Dating Scans

From 7+ weeks

dating scan, pregnancy, first trimester, bleeding, ?dates, EDD, estimated due date, miscarriage

Dating Scan

At Trinity Imaging we prefer to perform Early Dating/Pregnancy Ultrasounds at 7 weeks. Having an early pregnancy scan offers several advantages, including:

  • Confirmation of pregnancy

  • Verification of the pregnancy's correct placement within the uterus

  • Exclusion of ectopic pregnancy

  • Diagnosis and identification of the type of twin pregnancy

  • Establishment of the exact duration of the pregnancy in weeks, leading to a more accurate estimated due date

  • Confirmation of the presence of a fetal heartbeat, typically at 6 weeks from the last menstrual period

  • Assessment for the presence of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts

Prior to 7 weeks gestation, it may be too early to acquire this information to confirm the stage of pregnancy. In this situation, a repeat ultrasound will be recommended 7-14 days following the initial scan. Your referring Doctor will be informed as to when an appropriate time frame will be to repeat the ultrasound. An additional referral will be required from your Doctor for the follow up ultrasound.

  • To acquire the best diagnostic images possible, the examination is routinely performed Transabdominally, followed by a Transvaginal ultrasound (always with your written consent first).

    Both Transabdominal and Transvaginal scans are safe and are carried out with minimal discomfort. Transvaginal ultrasound is safe to perform during early pregnancy.

    The early pregnancy scan typically involves two components: a scan across your lower abdomen with a full bladder (transabdominal scan) and an internal scan (transvaginal scan). The internal scan is a standard practice and does not harm the embryo in any way; it is used to obtain detailed information about early pregnancy. By approximately 8 weeks, the embryo can be readily seen via a transabdominal scan.

  • In most cases the examination will be performed transabdominally, but there are some situations where a Transvaginal ultrasound maybe necessary. This improves the assessment of the cervix, placenta and obtain better details of the fetus. In turn this can improve accuracy if the diagnosis.

    Transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound examinations are safe at all stages of pregnancy.

  • The optimal time for the most accurate dating is between 7-11 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) can be determined with a high level of precision, typically accurate to within 3 days, by measuring the length of the embryo (Crown Rump Length).

  • Each ultrasound captures a specific moment in your pregnancy, and at times, the findings may be inconclusive. This might necessitate further correlation with follow-up scans or estimation of BHCG levels. Specific criteria must be met before a diagnosis of pregnancy viability or failure can be established. The wait for a definitive diagnosis can be challenging for some mums.

    It's natural to feel anxious and want to schedule the scan as early as possible. However, it's important to remember that waiting until a slightly later gestational stage will allow for better visualization, and the information obtained will be more reliable.

    • At around 5 weeks of gestation, a pregnancy sac is usually visible.

    • As the pregnancy progresses and the mean sac diameter reaches 8-10mm, a yolk sac becomes visible within the pregnancy sac.

    • Around 6 weeks, a small embryo becomes apparent.

    • When the embryo reaches approximately 4mm (6 weeks and 2 days), the fetal heart should be visible.

    • By 8 weeks, the embryo can be readily seen on an abdominal scan.

    • Fetal limb buds with body movements are typically observed at 9-10 weeks.

  • The ultrasound procedure typically lasts around 30 minutes. However, the duration may vary depending on the specific reason for the examination and the complexity of the individual case.

  • If possible we recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that provides easy access to the area being imaged. Two-piece clothing, with separate upper and lower garments, is preferable.

    Additionally, please ensure that you empty your bladder 1 hour before the procedure and then drink 2 glasses (600ml) of water, holding it without emptying your bladder again. Please note that your appointment might be delayed if your bladder is not adequately full.

  • Having some urine in your bladder can be beneficial for outlining the cervix and visualizing the relationship of the placenta with the lower uterus during imaging. It also helps to elevate the uterus from the pelvis into the abdomen, facilitating better visualization of the fetus.

    You don't need to have a large amount of urine, and simply drinking a glass of water 30-60 minutes before your scheduled appointment is sufficient.

  • We welcome one adult support person, whether it be your partner or a family member, to accompany you during your Diagnostic scan. However, for specific reasons, we have implemented policies that prohibit children from attending Diagnostic ultrasound appointments. While we understand that this may be disappointing for families, it is essential to maintain a focused environment. Thus allowing the Sonographer to be able to concentrate during the scan whilst taking the necessary images and measurements. Occasionally, our sonographer may need to discuss unfortunate news found during your appointment and so this must be taken into consideration. The presence of children can introduce distractions that may impact the quality of the examination.

  • At Trinity Imaging, we provide our patients with their images to an app on your phone called Tricify. For further details please ask our receptionist at your appointment.

dating scan, pregnancy, first trimester, bleeding, ?dates, EDD, estimated due date, miscarriage

 All our scans are performed in our premium-furnished luxury viewing room specially designed for you.

We are all looking forward to getting to know you, your baby and family along your pregnancy journey.

Our Dating Scans take up to 30 minutes and include:

  • 2 x 3D thermal printed hard copy images

  • All pictures taken on the day straight to your mobile phone

To make a booking call us on 0477 988 696 or email us at

We accept all referrals